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Virtual Lakehouses

A virtual lakehouse is a cluster of compute resources that provide the required resources, such as CPU, memory to perform the querying processing. Table data files are stored in cloud data storage (S3) as a shared data storage that allows multiple virtual lakehouse clusters to share the same data while isolating compute. IOMETE uses Apache Spark as a data lakehouse query engine with ACID support


In production environments, it is often required to isolate workloads, for example, to avoid the overhead of batch ETL jobs on ad-hoc analytical queries. Since data is decoupled and shared from virtual lakehouse, it enables the creation of multiple lakehouse clusters to isolate the workloads and turn on/off clusters based on requirements to save costs. Cluster size can be defined based on requirements and workloads.

Create a new Lakehouse

1. Go to the Lakehouses and click the button

Lakehouses | IOMETELakehouses | IOMETE

2. Give the new lakehouse a name under Name.

Create Lakehouse | IOMETECreate Lakehouse | IOMETE

3. Select driver, under the Node driver section. Read more about node types.

Lakehouse driver select | IOMETELakehouse driver select | IOMETE
Node driver

Spark driver is running all the time until lakehouse stopped manually. Driver is responsible for managing executors/workers and connections. If stopped, no connections could be established to the lakehouse.

4. Select executor, under the Node executor section. Read more about spark executors.

Lakehouse executor select | IOMETELakehouse executor select | IOMETE

5. Input executor count, under the Executor count section.

Below these inputs, a real-time preview of Total CPU and Total Memory is provided. This information helps you make informed decisions about the selection of Node Executors and the number of Executors. It ensures that you allocate sufficient resources to meet the demands of your workload.

Lakehouse executor | IOMETELakehouse executor | IOMETE
Node executor

Executors basically are responsible for executing the queries. They will be scaled up and down automatically based on the auto-suspend parameter.

Keep auto-suspend on to minimize lakehouse costs.

6. Select volume, under the Volume section. Read more about volumes.

Lakehouse volume select | IOMETELakehouse volume select | IOMETE

7. Set Auto suspend under Auto suspend section.

By clicking checkbox in the left side we can disabled Auto suspend functionality.

Lakehouse auto suspend | IOMETELakehouse auto suspend | IOMETE

Executors will be scaled down after the specified time of inactivity. Executors will be scaled up automatically on demand (Scale up time around 10-15 seconds). It is recommended to keep auto-suspend on to minimize monthly costs.

8. Click the Create button after adding a description to the optional description field.

Lakehouse Description | IOMETELakehouse Description | IOMETE

🎉 🎉🎉 Tadaa! The newly created test-lakehouse details view is shown.

Lakehouse details

Lakehouse Details | IOMETELakehouse Details | IOMETE
  1. Navigation buttons

    • Spark UI - this button will take us Spark Jobs information.
    • Edit - this button will take us to the editing form.
    • Terminate / Start - buttons for the lakehouse's start and terminate.
  2. Lakehouse cluster status

  3. General information.

  4. Connections details In this section we may observe various connections details in this part. IOMETE supports the following types of connections:

    • Python Connection
    • JDBC Connection
    • DBT Connection
    • Tableau Connection
    • Power BI Connection
    • Superset Connection
    • Metabase Connection
    • Redash Connection
  5. Logs In this section we can see Spark logs.

    Lakehouse logs | IOMETELakehouse logs | IOMETE
  6. Events In this section we may check your lakehouse's Start/Terminate events.

    Lakehouse events | IOMETELakehouse events | IOMETE
  7. Delete - this button makes it simple to delete Lakehouse.

Lakehouse Cluster Statuses

To effectively manage and monitor your lakehouse cluster, you need to understand its two main components: the Driver and the Executors.

  • Driver acts as the control center, managing connections and orchestrating tasks
  • Executors carry out the actual data processing.

Driver Status

What Each Status Means

  • Starting: The Driver is booting up.
  • Active: The Driver is running and ready to accept connections.
  • Stopped: The Driver is offline and not accepting any connections.
  • Failed: The Driver couldn't start. Contact support for assistance.
Lakehouse Driver status | IOMETELakehouse Driver status | IOMETE
Cost Implications

You're only charged for the Driver when it's in the 'Active' state.

Executor Status

What Each Status Means

  • No running executors: There is no active executor. This happens when auto-suspend is configured. In this case, when there is no workload for a configured auto-suspend time, the cluster scales down to zero. Executors will scale up automatically based on demand.
  • Pending: Executors are scheduled to start and waiting for resources to start.
  • Running: Executors are active and processing data.

Status Examples

  • Running 1/4: One out of four Executors is active. The cluster scales down to save costs when the workload is light.
  • Running 1/4 Pending 3/4: One Executor is active, and three are waiting to start due to an increase in workload.
    Lakehouse is scaling-up. | IOMETELakehouse is scaling-up. | IOMETE
  • Running 4/4: All Executors are active, and the cluster is at full capacity.
    All executors are active | IOMETEAll executors are active | IOMETE
Cost Implications

You're only billed for Executors when they're in the 'Running' state.

Scaling-Up Timing

By default, scaling up usually takes 1 to 2 minutes, depending on various factors like the cloud provider's response time and resource availability.

Faster Scaling-Up

In cloud environments, you can utilize IOMETE to establish a hot pool of preconfigured resources. This markedly accelerates the scaling process, reducing the scale-up time to a mere 10 to 15 seconds. Contact support to learn more about this feature.