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IOMETE offers a feature for customization of Kubernetes Volume types attached to Spark workloads.

Volume list

To see the Volume list, go to the Settings menu and click on the Volumes tab. You can edit an existing volume or create a new one.

Volumes | IOMETEVolumes | IOMETE

Create volume

To create new volume, click the button.

After that, you'll see the following options for configuration.

There are 2 types:

  • Host Path: Mounts a directory directly from the host (node) machine's filesystem into a pod.
  • On Demand PVC: You can mount a dynamically-created persistent volume claim per executor by using this OnDemand option.

If selected type is Host Path:

  • Host Path: Provide directory to mount.
    Host Path create | IOMETEHost Path create | IOMETE

If selected type is On Demand PVC:

  • Storage class name: Name for storage class. Available list of storage classes can be retrieved with kubectl get storageclass command.

  • Max size: Maximum storage capacity requested in a PVC per executor.

    On Demand PVC create | IOMETEOn Demand PVC create | IOMETE
  • Resource tags Tags are custom name/value pairs that you can assign to IOMETE resources. These tags enable you to categorize and organize your resources effectively.

Using volumes

You can utilize node types in Lakehouses, Spark Connect Clusters and Spark Jobs. Let's navigate to the Lakehouse create page. Here, you'l find options for Volume which include volume selections.

Lakehouse Volume select | IOMETELakehouse Volume select | IOMETE

Delete volume

To delete a volume, locate it in the volumes list, click the "Edit" button, and then click the button below the inputs. Afterward, you'll receive a confirmation message; click "Yes, delete" to confirm the deletion.

Node type delete | IOMETENode type delete | IOMETE