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Private Docker Registry Authentication

When you create a Spark job, you may want to use a custom Docker image stored in your private registry. At this time, you need to authenticate with the private Docker registry to pull the image.

In that case, you need to create an authentication Docker Pull Secret and add it to the Lakehouse Service Account in the Kubernetes. So, all resources linked to the Lakehouse Service Account can securely pull Docker images from private repositories.

Adding an Authentication Secret to the Lakehouse Service Account

Creating an Authentication Secret

Use the following YAML configuration to create an Image Pull Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: iomete-image-pull-secret
.dockerconfigjson: |
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "base64(username:password)" # Base64 encoded "username:password"

Replace username:password with your Docker Hub credentials encoded in base64.


You can use a different name for the secret, but make sure to use the same name when patching the Lakehouse Service Account.

Apply the secret to your Kubernetes cluster using the following command:

kubectl apply -n iomete-system -f iomete-image-pull-secret.yaml

Patching the Lakehouse Service Account

After creating the secret, patch the Lakehouse Service Account with the secret using the following command:

kubectl patch serviceaccount \
-n iomete-system lakehouse-service-account \
-p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "iomete-image-pull-secret"}]}'

Replace iomete-image-pull-secret with the name you used when creating the secret.

How This Works

The lakehouse-service-account is used by the Lakehouse cluster, Spark jobs, and other related resources. By patching this account with the secret, all resources linked to it can securely pull Docker images from private repositories.