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SQL DDL Examples

This SQL script showcases key DDL operations in IOMETE, a platform based on Spark SQL and Iceberg. It includes database and table creation, CTAS and RTAS operations, and various table alterations.

create database
show databases

| namespace |
| ddl_ops_demo_db |
| default |
show tables in the given database
SHOW TABLES in ddl_ops_demo_db;

/* Output: Since the database has just been created, there are no tables or views available.
| namespace | tableName | isTemporary |
No rows selected
create a table and default format is Iceberg.
CREATE TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample(id bigint COMMENT 'unique id', data string, ts timestamp);
both create table statements are equivalent
CREATE TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample(id bigint COMMENT 'unique id', data string, ts timestamp) using iceberg;
describe table
DESCRIBE EXTENDED ddl_ops_demo_db.sample;

/* Output:
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| id | bigint | unique id |
| data | string | |
| ts | timestamp | |
| | | |
| # Partitioning | | |
| Not partitioned | | |
| | | |
| # Metadata Columns | | |
| _spec_id | int | |
| _partition | struct<> | |
| _file | string | |
| _pos | bigint | |
| _deleted | boolean | |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Name | spark_catalog.ddl_ops_demo_db.sample | |
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/ddl_ops_demo_db... | |
// highlight-start
| Provider | iceberg | |
// highlight-end
| Owner | root | |
| Table Properties | [current-snapshot-id=none,format=iceberg/parqu... | |
20 rows selected
create a partitioned table
CREATE TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample_partitioned (
id bigint,
data string,
category string,
ts timestamp
PARTITIONED BY (days(ts), category);
describe table
DESCRIBE EXTENDED ddl_ops_demo_db.sample_partitioned;

/* Output: See partition related information
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| id | bigint | |
| data | string | |
| category | string | |
| ts | timestamp | |

// highlight-start
| # Partitioning | | |
| Part 0 | days(ts) | |
| Part 1 | category | |
// highlight-end
| | | |
| # Metadata Columns | | |
| _spec_id | int | |
// highlight-start
| _partition | struct<ts_day:date,category:string> | |
// highlight-end
| _file | string | |
| _pos | bigint | |
| _deleted | boolean | |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Name | spark_catalog.ddl_ops_demo_db.sample_partitioned | |
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/ddl_ops_demo_db... | |
| Provider | iceberg | |
| Owner | root | |
| Table Properties | [current-snapshot-id=none,format=iceberg/parque... | |
22 rows selected

Create external table

create table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_mysql_external
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
url "jdbc:mysql://",
dbtable "employees.employees",
driver 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver',
user 'tutorial_user',
password '9tVDVEKp'
describe table
DESCRIBE EXTENDED ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;

/* Output: See provider. It's `org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc`
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| emp_no | int | NULL |
| birth_date | date | NULL |
| first_name | string | NULL |
| last_name | string | NULL |
| gender | string | NULL |
| hire_date | date | NULL |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Database | ddl_ops_demo_db | |
| Table | employees_mysql_external | |
| Owner | root | |
| Created Time | Thu Jul 06 15:51:44 UTC 2023 | |
| Last Access | UNKNOWN | |
| Created By | Spark 3.3.3-IOMETE | |
| Type | MANAGED | |
// highlight-start
| Provider | org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc | |
// highlight-end
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/ddl_ops_demo_db... | |
| Serde Library | org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe | |
| InputFormat | org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat | |
| OutputFormat | | |
| Storage Properties | [url=*********(redacted), driver=com.mysql.cj.j.. | |

21 rows selected

CTAS and RTAS operations

CTAS (Create Table As Select)
CREATE TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_iceberg_table
FROM ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;

DESCRIBE EXTENDED ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_iceberg_table;
/* Output: The table columns and their corresponding types are
automatically identified based on the query result.
| col_name | data_type | comment |
// highlight-start
| emp_no | int | |
| birth_date | date | |
| first_name | string | |
| last_name | string | |
| gender | string | |
| hire_date | date | |
// highlight-end
| | | |
| # Partitioning | | |
| Not partitioned | | |
| | | |
| # Metadata Columns | | |
| _spec_id | int | |
| _partition | struct<> | |
| _file | string | |
| _pos | bigint | |
| _deleted | boolean | |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Name | spark_catalog.ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_icebe... | |
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/ddl_ops_demo_db... | |
| Provider | iceberg | |
| Owner | root | |
| Table Properties | [current-snapshot-id=5866161643764467853,forma... | |
23 rows selected

RTAS (Replace Table As Select). Atomic table replacement creates a new snapshot with the results of the SELECT query, but keeps table history.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_iceberg_table
FROM ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;
Alter table name
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_iceberg_table RENAME TO employees;
describe table

DESCRIBE EXTENDED ddl_ops_demo_db.employees;
/* Output: The name of the table has been changed as part of a metadata operation,
but the physical location of the table remains unchanged.
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| emp_no | int | |
| birth_date | date | |
| first_name | string | |
| last_name | string | |
| gender | string | |
| hire_date | date | |
| | | |
| # Partitioning | | |
| Not partitioned | | |
| | | |
| # Metadata Columns | | |
| _spec_id | int | |
| _partition | struct<> | |
| _file | string | |
| _pos | bigint | |
| _deleted | boolean | |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Name | spark_catalog.ddl_ops_demo_db.employees | |
// highlight-start
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/ddl_ops_demo_db | |
| | /employees_iceberg_table | |
// highlight-end
| Provider | iceberg | |
| Owner | root | |
| Table Properties | [current-snapshot-id=37222068048484820,format... | |
23 rows selected (1.724 seconds)
Alter table set properties
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample SET TBLPROPERTIES (''='268435456');
SHOW TBLPROPERTIES ddl_ops_demo_db.sample;
| key | value |
| current-snapshot-id | none |
| format | iceberg/parquet |
| format-version | 1 |
| | 268435456 |
Alter table unset properties
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('');
add columns (metadata only operations)
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample
new_column1 string comment 'new_column docs',
new_column2 int

| Result |
rename column (metadata only operations)
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample RENAME COLUMN data TO payload;
change column type (metadata only operations). Allowed conversions: int -> bigint, float -> double, decimal(P,S) to decimal(P2,S) when P2 > P (scale cannot change)
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample ALTER COLUMN new_column2 TYPE bigint;
drop columns (metadata only operations)
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample DROP COLUMN id;
add partition field (metadata only operations)
ALTER TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample ADD PARTITION FIELD years(ts);

Clean up

drop Iceberg table (delete table and data from storage. Pay attention to the PURGE option)
DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample PURGE;
drop Iceberg table (metadata only operations - doesn't delete data from storage)
DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample;
drop Iceberg table if exists
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ddl_ops_demo_db.sample PURGE;

DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample PURGE;
DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.sample_partitioned PURGE;
DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;
DROP TABLE ddl_ops_demo_db.employees PURGE;

DROP DATABASE ddl_ops_demo_db;