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Truncate Table

The TRUNCATE TABLE statement removes all the rows from a table or partition(s).

The table must not be a view or an external table. In order to truncate multiple partitions at once, the user can specify the partitions in partition_spec. If no partition_spec is specified it will remove all partitions in the table.


TRUNCATE TABLE table_name [PARTITION partition_spec];


table_name The name of an existing table.PARTITION ( partition_spec :[ partition_column = partition_col_value, partition_column = partition_col_value, ...] ) Specifies one or more partition columns and value pairs. The partition value is optional.


--Create table Student with partition
CREATE TABLE Student ( name String, rollno INT) PARTITIONED BY (age int);

SELECT * from Student;
| name | rollno | age |
| ABC | 1 | 10 |
| DEF | 2 | 10 |
| XYZ | 3 | 12 |

-- Removes all rows from the table in the partion specified
TRUNCATE TABLE Student partition(age=10);

--After truncate execution, records belonging to partition age=10 are removed
SELECT * from Student;
| name | rollno | age |
| XYZ | 3 | 12 |

-- Removes all rows from the table from all partitions

SELECT * from Student;
| name | rollno | age |
No rows selected