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DML Operations

Common queries and DML operations (IOMETE SparkSQL and Iceberg)

This SQL script illustrates common queries and DML operations in IOMETE, utilizing Spark SQL and Iceberg. It encompasses database and table creation, data insertion, update and deletion operations and table descriptions.

Let's create a database and some sample tables for the queries
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS common_queries_demo_db;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS common_queries_demo_db.employees_mysql_external
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
url "jdbc:mysql://",
dbtable "employees.employees",
driver 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver',
user 'tutorial_user',
password '9tVDVEKp'

CREATE TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees
FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;
-- Schema: emp_no INT, birth_date DATE, first_name STRING, last_name STRING, gender STRING, hire_date DATE

Common queries

Show tables in the given database
SHOW TABLES in common_queries_demo_db;

/* Output:
| namespace | tableName | isTemporary |
| common_queries_demo_db | employees | false |
| common_queries_demo_db | employees_mysql_external | false |
Describe table
DESCRIBE common_queries_demo_db.employees;

/* Output:
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| emp_no | int | |
| birth_date | date | |
| first_name | string | |
| last_name | string | |
| gender | string | |
| hire_date | date | |
| | | |
| # Partitioning | | |
| Not partitioned | | |
Extended description
DESCRIBE EXTENDED common_queries_demo_db.employees;
/* Output:
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| emp_no | int | |
| birth_date | date | |
| first_name | string | |
| last_name | string | |
| gender | string | |
| hire_date | date | |
| | | |
| # Partitioning | | |
| Not partitioned | | |
| | | |
| # Metadata Columns | | |
| _spec_id | int | |
| _partition | struct<> | |
| _file | string | |
| _pos | bigint | |
| _deleted | boolean | |
| | | |
| # Detailed Table Information | | |
| Name | spark_catalog.common_queries_demo_db.employees | |
| Location | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/common_queries_de.. | |
| Provider | iceberg | |
| Owner | root | |
| Table Properties | [current-snapshot-id=495840486470051111,format=i.. | |
Show table properties
SHOW TBLPROPERTIES common_queries_demo_db.employees;

/* Output:
| key | value |
| current-snapshot-id | 495840486470051111 |
| format | iceberg/parquet |
| format-version | 1 |
Show table schema
SHOW CREATE TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees;

/* Output:
| createtab_stmt |
| CREATE TABLE spark_catalog.common_queries_demo_db.employees ( |
| emp_no INT, |
| birth_date DATE, |
| first_name STRING, |
| last_name STRING, |
| gender STRING, |
| hire_date DATE) |
| USING iceberg |
| LOCATION 'gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/common_queries_demo_db/employees' |
| 'current-snapshot-id' = '495840486470051111', |
| 'format' = 'iceberg/parquet', |
| 'format-version' = '1') |
Inspect table history (Iceberg)
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees.history;

/* Output:
| made_current_at | snapshot_id | parent_id | is_current_ancestor |
| 2023-07-14 11:35:25.305 | 495840486470051111 | NULL | true |
Inspect table snapshots (Iceberg)
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees.snapshots;

/* Output:
| committed_at | snapshot_id | parent_id | operation | manifest_list | summary |
| 2023-07-14 11:35:25.305 | 495840486470051111 | NULL | append | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/common_queries_dem..| {"added-data-files":"1","added-files-size":"2304.. |
Show the table's data files and each file's metadata (Iceberg)
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees.files;

/* Output:
| content | file_path | file_format | spec_id | record_count | file_size_in_bytes | column_sizes | value_counts | null_value_counts | nan_value_counts | lower_bounds | upper_bounds | key_metadata | split_offsets | equality_ids | sort_order_id | readable_metrics |
| 0 | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/common...01.parquet | PARQUET | 0 | 300024 | 2304414 | {1:416211,2:500084,3:420016,4:423003,5:39871,6:5...| {1:300024,2:300024,3:300024,4:300024,5:300024,6:...| {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0} | {} | {1:',2:p���,3:Aamer,4:Aamodt,5:F,6:g} | {1:�,2:����,3:Zvonko,4:dAstous,5:M,6:�*}. | NULL | [4] | NULL | 0 | {"birth_date":{"column_size":500084,"value_count...|
Show the table's file manifests and each file's metadata (Iceberg)
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees.manifests;

/* Output:
| content | path | length | partition_spec_id | added_snapshot_id | added_data_files_count | existing_data_files_count | deleted_data_files_count | added_delete_files_count | existing_delete_files_count | deleted_delete_files_count | partition_summaries |
| 0 | gs://iom-lakehouse-2e6c6c/data/common_quer....avro | 6152 | 0 | 495840486470051111 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | [] |

INSERT INTO Operations

INSERT INTO operation
INSERT INTO common_queries_demo_db.employees
CAST('01.10.2000' AS DATE),
CAST('01.10.2000' AS DATE)
See the newly inserted record
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees WHERE emp_no = 1;

/* Output:
| emp_no | birth_date | first_name | last_name | gender | hire_date |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2000-10-01 |
| 1 | NULL | John | Doe | M | NULL |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2022-01-01 |
You can also specify the columns in any order. Note: You must specify all columns in the table.
INSERT INTO common_queries_demo_db.employees (
emp_no, first_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, hire_date
CAST('2000-10-01' AS DATE),
CAST('2000-10-01' AS DATE)
Using a SELECT query to insert data
INSERT INTO common_queries_demo_db.employees
TO_DATE('2000-10-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS birth_date,
'John' AS first_name,
'Doe' AS last_name,
'M' AS gender,
TO_DATE('2022-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS hire_date;
Inserting into a partitioned table requires data to be sorted by the partition columns
CREATE TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees_partitioned (
emp_no int,
birth_date date,
first_name string,
last_name string,
gender string
) PARTITIONED BY (gender);
INSERT INTO common_queries_demo_db.employees_partitioned
SELECT emp_no,
FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees
ORDER BY gender;

ORDER BY is required for partitioned columns. They must be sorted.

MERGE/Update/Delete Operations

MERGE INTO operation
MERGE INTO spark_catalog.common_queries_demo_db.employees AS t
1 AS emp_no,
'John Doe' AS first_name,
'Doe' AS last_name,
'M' AS gender,
DATE('2022-01-01') AS hire_date,
DATE('1990-01-01') AS birth_date
) AS s
ON t.emp_no = s.emp_no
UPDATE SET t.first_name = s.first_name,
t.last_name = s.last_name,
t.gender = s.gender,
t.hire_date = s.hire_date,
t.birth_date = s.birth_date
INSERT (emp_no, birth_date, first_name, last_name, gender, hire_date)
VALUES (s.emp_no, s.birth_date, s.first_name, s.last_name, s.gender, s.hire_date);

Check the row
SELECT * FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees WHERE emp_no = 1;

/* Output:
| emp_no | birth_date | first_name | last_name | gender | hire_date |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2022-01-01 |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2000-10-01 |
| 1 | NULL | John | Doe | M | NULL |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2022-01-01 |
| 1 | 2000-10-01 | John | Doe | M | 2000-10-01 |
UPDATE operation
UPDATE common_queries_demo_db.employees
SET first_name = 'Max', last_name = 'Doe'
WHERE emp_no = 1;
DELETE FROM operation
DELETE FROM common_queries_demo_db.employees WHERE emp_no = 1;

Clean up

DROP TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees PURGE;
DROP TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees_partitioned PURGE;
DROP TABLE common_queries_demo_db.employees_mysql_external;

DROP DATABASE common_queries_demo_db;