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Kafka Streaming

Kafka and IOMETE logo | IOMETEKafka and IOMETE logo | IOMETE

This is a collection of data movement capabilities. This streaming job copies data from Kafka to Iceberg.

Table of Contents

Deserialization Format

Currently, only JSON deserialization format supported.

Spark Job creation

  • In the left sidebar menu choose Spark Jobs
  • Click on Create

Specify the following parameters (these are examples, you can change them based on your preference):

  • Name: kafka-iceberg-stream

  • Docker image: iomete/kafka-iceberg-stream:1.0.0

  • Main application file: local:///app/

  • Java options (Optional): -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/opt/spark/iomete/ - specify logging configuration file

  • Config file:

    kafka: {
    options: {
    "kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka-bootstrap-server:9092",
    "subscribePattern": ".*"

    # either once or processing_time should be set for the trigger. Not both.
    trigger: {
    # processing_time: "15 minutes",
    once: True

    # set checkpointLocation to object storage for production.
    # Example: "s3a://assests-dir/checkpoints/kafka-streaming/data/app1"
    checkpoint_location: ".tmp/checkpoints/kafka-streaming/data/app1",
    destination: {
    database: "default",
    table: "all_db_changes_v1",

    Note: It's recommended to exclude the startingOffsets option. If the table doesn't exist or is empty, it will default to the earliest setting automatically. Conversely, if the table is filled, it will default to the latest setting. This allows you to start from the beginning when the table is empty and continue from where you left off (based on the checkpoint state) when the table is not empty.

IOMETE Spark Jobs Create kafka streaming | IOMETEIOMETE Spark Jobs Create kafka streaming | IOMETE

Configuration properties

  • kafka.options: Kafka options. See Kafka Consumer Configurations for more details.
  • kafka.trigger: Trigger options. See Triggers for more details. Only one of the processing_time or once should be set.
  • kafka.checkpoint_location: Checkpoint location. See Checkpointing for more details.
  • destination.database: Iceberg database name. Database should be created before running the job.
  • destination.table: Iceberg table name. Table will be created if it does not exist.

Job will create a table with the following schema:

|-- topic: string (nullable = true)
|-- partition: integer (nullable = true)
|-- offset: long (nullable = true)
|-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
|-- timestampType: integer (nullable = true)
|-- key: string (nullable = true)
|-- value: string (nullable = true)
  • topic: Kafka topic name that the record is received from.
  • partition: Kafka partition number that the record is received from.
  • offset: Kafka offset number that the record is received from.
  • timestamp: Kafka timestamp that the record is received from.
  • timestampType: Kafka timestamp type that the record is received from.
  • key: Kafka record key.
  • value: Kafka record value.