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LIKE Predicate

A LIKE predicate is used to search for a specific pattern. This predicate also supports multiple patterns with quantifiers include ANY, SOME and ALL.


[ NOT ] { LIKE search_pattern [ ESCAPE esc_char ] | [ RLIKE | REGEXP ] regex_pattern }

[ NOT ] { LIKE quantifiers ( search_pattern [ , ... ]) }


  • search_pattern

    Specifies a string pattern to be searched by the LIKE clause. It can contain special pattern-matching characters:

    • % matches zero or more characters.
    • _ matches exactly one character.
  • esc_char

    Specifies the escape character. The default escape character is .

  • regex_pattern

    Specifies a regular expression search pattern to be searched by the RLIKE or REGEXP clause.

  • quantifiers

    Specifies the predicate quantifiers include ANY, SOME and ALL. ANY or SOME means if one of the patterns matches the input, then return true; ALL means if all the patterns matches the input, then return true.


CREATE TABLE person (id INT, name STRING, age INT);
(100, 'John', 30),
(200, 'Mary', NULL),
(300, 'Mike', 80),
(400, 'Dan', 50),
(500, 'Evan_w', 16);

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'M%';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'M_ry';
| id|name| age|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE 'M_ry';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
|300| Mike| 80|
|100| John| 30|
|400| Dan| 50|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name RLIKE 'M+';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name REGEXP 'M+';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%\_%';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%$_%' ESCAPE '$';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE ALL ('%an%', '%an');
| id|name| age|
|400| Dan| 50|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE ANY ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name|age|
|400| Dan| 50|
|500|Evan_W| 16|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE SOME ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name|age|
|400| Dan| 50|
|500|Evan_W| 16|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE ALL ('%an%', '%an');
| id|name| age|
|100|John| 30|
|300|Mike| 80|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE ANY ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name| age|
|100| John| 30|
|200| Mary|null|
|300| Mike| 80|
|500|Evan_W| 16|

SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE SOME ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name| age|
|100| John| 30|
|200| Mary|null|
|300| Mike| 80|
|500|Evan_W| 16|