LIKE Predicate
A LIKE predicate is used to search for a specific pattern. This predicate also supports multiple patterns with quantifiers include ANY, SOME and ALL.
[ NOT ] { LIKE search_pattern [ ESCAPE esc_char ] | [ RLIKE | REGEXP ] regex_pattern }
[ NOT ] { LIKE quantifiers ( search_pattern [ , ... ]) }
Specifies a string pattern to be searched by the LIKE clause. It can contain special pattern-matching characters:
- % matches zero or more characters.
- _ matches exactly one character.
Specifies the escape character. The default escape character is .
Specifies a regular expression search pattern to be searched by the RLIKE or REGEXP clause.
Specifies the predicate quantifiers include ANY, SOME and ALL. ANY or SOME means if one of the patterns matches the input, then return true; ALL means if all the patterns matches the input, then return true.
CREATE TABLE person (id INT, name STRING, age INT);
(100, 'John', 30),
(200, 'Mary', NULL),
(300, 'Mike', 80),
(400, 'Dan', 50),
(500, 'Evan_w', 16);
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'M%';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE 'M_ry';
| id|name| age|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE 'M_ry';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
|300| Mike| 80|
|100| John| 30|
|400| Dan| 50|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name RLIKE 'M+';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name REGEXP 'M+';
| id|name| age|
|300|Mike| 80|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%\_%';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE '%$_%' ESCAPE '$';
| id| name|age|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE ALL ('%an%', '%an');
| id|name| age|
|400| Dan| 50|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE ANY ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name|age|
|400| Dan| 50|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE SOME ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name|age|
|400| Dan| 50|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE ALL ('%an%', '%an');
| id|name| age|
|100|John| 30|
|300|Mike| 80|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE ANY ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name| age|
|100| John| 30|
|200| Mary|null|
|300| Mike| 80|
|500|Evan_W| 16|
SELECT * FROM person WHERE name NOT LIKE SOME ('%an%', '%an');
| id| name| age|
|100| John| 30|
|200| Mary|null|
|300| Mike| 80|
|500|Evan_W| 16|