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CASE Clause

CASE clause uses a rule to return a specific result based on the specified condition, similar to if/else statements in other programming languages.


CASE [ expression ] { WHEN boolean_expression THEN then_expression } [ ... ]
[ ELSE else_expression ]


  • boolean_expression

    Specifies any expression that evaluates to a result type boolean. Two or more expressions may be combined together using the logical operators ( AND, OR ).

  • then_expression

    Specifies the then expression based on the boolean_expression condition; then_expression and else_expression should all be same type or coercible to a common type.

  • else_expression

    Specifies the default expression; then_expression and else_expression should all be same type or coercible to a common type.


CREATE TABLE person (id INT, name STRING, age INT);
(100, 'John', 30),
(200, 'Mary', NULL),
(300, 'Mike', 80),
(400, 'Dan', 50);

SELECT id, CASE WHEN id > 200 THEN 'bigger' ELSE 'small' END FROM person;
| id | CASE WHEN (id > 200) THEN bigger ELSE small END |
| 100 | small |
| 200 | small |
| 300 | bigger |
| 400 | bigger |

SELECT id, CASE id WHEN 100 then 'bigger' WHEN id > 300 THEN '300' ELSE 'small' END FROM person;
| id | CASE WHEN (id = 100) THEN bigger WHEN (id = CAST((id > 300) AS INT)) THEN 300 ELSE small END |
| 100 | bigger |
| 200 | small |
| 300 | small |
| 400 | small |

SELECT * FROM person
CASE 1 = 1
WHEN 100 THEN 'big'
WHEN 200 THEN 'bigger'
WHEN 300 THEN 'biggest'
ELSE 'small'
END = 'small';
| id | name | age |
| 100 | John | 30 |
| 200 | Mary | NULL |
| 300 | Mike | 80 |
| 400 | Dan | 50 |