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Custom Java Truststore

Creating and Using truststore.jks with Custom CA Certificates

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions to create and use a truststore.jks file with custom CA certificates. This process ensures that your truststore.jks file includes global root CA certificates as well as your custom CA certificate, preventing certificate errors when accessing known websites like GitHub and Google.

Steps to create custom truststore

Ensuring Compatibility with Java 8

It is important to ensure that the truststore.jks file is compatible with Java 8, as some of the services still run on Java 8 environments.

1. Create truststore.jks with Global Root CA Certificates

Use the following command to create a truststore.jks file that includes default root CA certificates from the Java default cacerts file. This step is crucial to prevent certificate errors when accessing known websites.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts \
-destkeystore truststore.jks -deststoretype JKS -keyalg RSA

2. Add Custom CA Certificate to truststore.jks

Once the truststore.jks file is created, add your custom CA certificate to it using the following command. Replace your_ca with a unique alias for your CA certificate and your_ca.cer with the path to your CA certificate file.

keytool -import -alias your_ca -keystore truststore.jks \
-file your_ca.cer -storepass changeit -noprompt

3. Create a Kubernetes Secret with the truststore.jks File

After creating the truststore.jks file with your custom CA certificate, create a Kubernetes secret to use this truststore in IOMETE platform. Use the following commands to delete any existing secret and create a new one:

kubectl delete secret java-truststore -n iomete-system
kubectl create secret generic java-truststore \
--from-file=truststore.jks -n iomete-system


By following these steps, you will create a truststore.jks file that includes both global root CA certificates and your custom CA certificate, and you will securely store it as a Kubernetes secret for use in IOMETE platform.