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IOMETE Release Notes

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September 18, 2024

1.22.0: Changes in Deployment Process

  • The data-plane-base Helm chart has been deprecated and is no longer required for installation.
  • ClusterRole, previously added for multi-namespace support, has been removed, and the system now uses only namespaced Roles.
  • Spark-Operator is now deployed separately to each connected namespace.
  • The process for connecting a new namespace has been updated. Please refer to the Advanced Deployment Guides for more information.
  • Added pagination to user related components on UI Console.
September 3, 2024

1.20.2: Pause for Scheduled Job

  • Fixed issue with private docker repos not being visible on UI.
  • Added possibility to suspend Scheduled Spark applications.
August 26, 2024

1.20.0: Multi-Namespace, Secret Management

  • Centralized Secret Management: Users can now create and manage secrets centrally from the settings page and inject them into Spark applications. Supports integration with Kubernetes and HashiCorp Vault for storing secrets. Learn more here.
  • Added Logs Panel for Spark Connect.
  • Resolved an issue related to tmpfs storage.
  • Spark Job API: Added the ability to override instanceConfig in the Spark job API.
  • Multi-Namespace Support: Spark resources can now be deployed across different namespaces, enhancing multi-tenant and organizational capabilities.
  • Iceberg REST Catalog Support: Added support for the Iceberg REST Catalog, expanding the range of catalog integrations.
  • JDBC Catalog Support: Introduced support for JDBC Catalog, allowing connections to a wider array of databases.
  • Catalog-Level Access Control: Security improvements now allow access control to be managed at the catalog level for more granular permissions management.
August 5, 2024

1.19.2: Spark Submission Performance

  • Optimized performance of spark-operator for handling large numbers of Spark job submissions.
July 31, 2024

1.19.0: Spark Applications, Reuse PVC Options

  • Restuctured sidebar menu in the IOMETE Console.
    Sidebar | IOMETESidebar | IOMETE
  • Spark Applications: Introduced a new Spark Applications page featuring a zoomable timeline chart. This enhancement allows for easy tracking and visualization of applications across all Spark jobs.
    Spark Applications | IOMETESpark Applications | IOMETE
  • Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) Options: When creating a Volume, you can now choose the "Reuse Persistent Volume Claim" and "Wait to Reuse Persistent Volume Claim" options on a per-PVC basis. This feature allows for customized volume configurations for different lakehouse and Spark resources, providing greater flexibility and control over resource management.
    PVC Volume | IOMETEPVC Volume | IOMETE
July 16, 2024

1.18.0: SQL Editor Improvements, Fixed Integrations

  • Fixed issue with explain ... sql statement.
  • Added cell expand to the SQL Editor result grid. You can double click on the cell with multi-line value to expand it.
  • Added import/download functionality to the worksheets in SQL Editor.
  • Fixed issue with DBeaver and Power BI integrations.
  • UI / Design improvements in SQL Editor.
July 8, 2024

1.17.0: Data Explorer, SQL Editor Improvements

  • Fixed issue where nessie catalog displayed wrong list of databases/tables in the SQL Explorer
  • Launched beta version of Data-Catalog Explorer (Available in the Data-Catalog menu: from right-top side choose Explorer)
  • Fixed "Invalid YeafOfEra" issue during Registration of Iceberg Tables.
  • SQL Editor: Database Explorer improvements
    • Added partitions folder, you can view table partition columns.
    • Added Iceberg View support. view folder now available for iceberg catalogs
    • Improved error messaging in SQL Editor
    • Added item "Open in explorer" to the right-context menu. You can open the selected table in the Data-Catalog Explorer to view detailed information and snapshots
    • Redesigned result charts
  • Added Spark / Iceberg / Scala version information to the Data-Plane Informatino page in the Settings menu
  • Improved Cron editor in Spark Job configuration
  • Overall design improvements: slowly moving to a more compact design
July 1, 2024

1.16.0: Nessie Catalog

  • 🆕 Added Nessie catalog support Beta
  • 🛠 Updated spark-operator with performance optimizations and bug fixes
    • Enhances overall system stability and efficiency
  • 🛠 Implemented stricter validation for Node Types:
    • CPU: Minimum 300 milli-cores
    • Memory: Minimum 900 MiB
    • Ensures compliance with Spark requirements for optimal performance
  • 🎨 Various UI improvements for better user experience
  • 🐞 Resolved issue with "STARTING" status in Spark Jobs
    • Improves job status accuracy and monitoring
June 24, 2024

1.15.0: Monitoring, Spark Operator, Job Management

  • 🛠 Spark Operator Enhancements:

    • Improved performance to handle ~1000 Spark Job submissions per minute
    • Fixed conflict issues when submitting Spark jobs via API
    • Added comprehensive metrics to Spark run details view
    • Implemented Timeline (beta) feature for tracking status changes
    • Integrated Kubernetes events for Spark Resources (Run, Lakehouse)
  • 🛠 Job Management Improvements:

    • Introduced Job retry policy
    • Spark run metrics now available during "running" state
    • Fixed issue where Spark UI occasionally failed to update
    • Resolved Spark History redirection issue (now opens correct page on first load)
    • Addressed Spark driver service name conflicts caused by long job names
    • Implemented periodic garbage collection for failed jobs in Kubernetes
    • Added support for job run tags and filtering by tag
    • Introduced option to re-trigger runs with the same configuration
  • 🆕 Monitoring and Logging:

    • Added support for Splunk logging
    • Implemented new System Config in UI Console
    • Added "Spark Jobs alive time" to new "System Config" page
    • Separated Driver and Executor task durations
    • Display summary of total running/complete/pending runs on Spark job page
    • Spark job log view now auto-scrolls to bottom when new logs are added
  • 🎨 UI/UX Enhancements:

    • Added time filter to Job Runs
    • Displaying Scheduler Next Run information on UI
    • Added ID to Spark Run Details page
  • 🛠 Performance Optimizations:

    • Fixed long job names causing Spark driver service name conflicts
  • Implemented "Spark Jobs alive time" configuration

June 13, 2024

1.14.0: Fixes for Audit and PowerBI

  • Ranger Audit now working as expected. Page added to Data Security section in IOMETE Console.
  • Fixed issue with PowerBI integration.