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MySQL Deployment

IOMETE requires a database to store metadata and other information. Refer Backend Databases for more details.

You can use your own database, or you can use the provided mysql database.


This mysql database is for testing purpose only. For production, please use your own database that is optimized for production use.

Add bitnami helm repo if you haven't done so.

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

Deploy mysql database, and wait for it to be ready.

Required file: mysql-values.yaml


helm upgrade --install -n iomete-system \
mysql bitnami/mysql -f mysql-values.yaml

Wait for mysql pod to be ready. It takes about ~1 minute

kubectl get pods -n iomete-system \
-l --watch

When admin user credentials are provided to IOMETE deployment, IOMETE will create necessary users and databases automatically. If you want to create users and databases manually, you can use the following script: database-init-mysql.sql