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IOMETE Community Edition Deployment on GCP

You're about to install the IOMETE Lakehouse Platform Community Edition on GCP. The IOMETE Community Edition is the most generous Data Lakehouse Platform on the market. Enjoy the benefits of a data lakehouse platform with no restrictions on data volume, users, or queries.

IOMETE Community Edition is supported by the community. Feel free to join the IOMETE Community Server for support and discussions.

Installing the IOMETE platform on GCP should take approximately 25 minutes
  • 15 minutes to create the infrastructure (GKE cluster, VPC, etc.) using Terraform
  • 5 minutes to install the IOMETE platform using Helm

Installation Steps


  1. Terraform - Create the necessary infrastructure on GCP for IOMETE to run.
  2. Deploy IOMETE Data Plane - Deploy the IOMETE Data Plane using Helm.
  3. Configure Ingress Gateway - Configure the ISTIO Ingress Gateway to access the IOMETE Data Plane UI.


1. Terraform


Terraform is used to create the necessary infrastructure on GCP for IOMETE to run. It will create GCP resources like VPC, GKE cluster, Service Account, Node Pools etc.

Prepare Terraform Script

# 1. Create a directory (e.g. iomete-gcp-deployment)
mkdir iomete-gcp-deployment

# 2. Change to the directory
cd iomete-gcp-deployment

# 3. Download the Terraform script setup

The file you downloaded looks like this:

Required variables are project, region, zone, cluster_name and lakehouse_bucket_name. You can find the all available input variables in the module documentation.

Apply Terraform

Run following commands to apply the Terraform script, and create the necessary infrastructure on GCP:

terraform init --upgrade
terraform apply

Please make sure that you have the necessary permissions to create the resources in your GCP account.

Once terraform apply is complete, you will see the output similar to the following:

gke_connection_command = "gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-lakehouse-cluster --zone us-central1-c --project iom-prj1"

Copy and run the command to connect to the GKE cluster using kubectl:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-lakehouse-cluster --zone us-central1-c --project iom-prj1

At this point, your GCP infrastructure is ready for IOMETE Data Plane deployment. Continue to the next step to deploy IOMETE Data Plane.

2. Deploy IOMETE Data Plane

Prepare Database

IOMETE requires a PostgreSQL database to store metadata and other information. Refer Backend Databases for more details.

You can use your own database, or you can use the provided postgresql database.


This postgresql database is for testing purpose only. For production, please use your own database that is optimized for production use.

Add bitnami helm repo if you haven't done so.

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

Deploy postgresql database, and wait for it to be ready.

helm upgrade --install -n iomete-system \
postgresql bitnami/postgresql \

Wait for postgresql pod to be ready. It takes about ~1 minute

kubectl get pods -n iomete-system \
-l --watch

Deploy IOMETE Data Plane Helm Chart

Add, IOMETE helm repo:

helm repo add iomete
helm repo update

See the IOMETE Data Plane Helm - GCP Community Version for more details about available configurations. See here for the data-plane-values.yaml


You don't need to customize values for a default installation. However, if you want to tailor the installation to your needs (perhaps you're using your own database and distinct credentials), then you can override the default values.

Deploy IOMETE Data Plane:

helm upgrade --install -n iomete-system iomete-data-plane \
iomete/iomete-data-plane-community-gcp --version 1.9 \
--set ingress.httpsEnabled=false

Wait for IOMETE Data Plane pods to be ready. It takes about ~6 minutes to get everything ready in the first time installation.

kubectl get pods -n iomete-system --watch

3. Configure ISTIO Ingress Gateway

Please follow the Configure ISTIO Ingress Gateway to configure the Ingress Gateway for IOMETE Data Plane to be able to access the UI.

4. Access IOMETE Data Plane

Once, IOMETE Data Plane is deployed and ingress gateway is configured, you can access the IOMETE Data Plane UI.

Get the external IP of the ISTIO Ingress Gateway:

kubectl get svc istio-ingress -n istio-system

From the output, copy the EXTERNAL-IP value, and open it in your browser http://EXTERNAL-IP


For the first time use username and password from the adminUser configuration (See data-plane-values.yaml). Default values are admin and admin. On your first login, you will be asked to change the temporary password.

That's it! You've successfully set up IOMETE data plane. If you encounter any issues or have any questions please join the IOMETE Community Server for support and discussions.

Quickstart Resources

Start using IOMETE with the following guides