Brand Wall

You may have seen some of our ad copy out there. We thought it would be a nice to see some of our ad copy on a brand wall. Data infrastructure is too complex and too expensive and we are here to make it easy and cost effective. We see ourselves as the 'challengers', the new kid on the block, the party poopers. David vs Goliath if you will, where we are the small stone slinger and Goliath takes the form of Snowflake, Databricks, Cloudera and other greedy incumbents. These companies have been around for more than a decade now and turned from product-focused engineering organizations into sales-led armies that are milking their customers with usage-based pricing. And who is footing the bill for these sales armies? You - the customer - is. We are putting the emphasize back where it belongs: on the product. We don't have the bloat of large organizations and are not excited by the prospect of building a sales army. Our product and then word-of-mouth should do the talking. We can respond in a customized manner to customer requests. We rely on the quality of our product and the extreme value we provide by offering a modern lakehouse platform at less than half the cost of overpriced incumbents. We're only getting started and we would love to get a chance to show you how we can help you.