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Troubleshooting IOMETE on AWS

This document contains troubleshooting tips for IOMETE on AWS. This document will be updated as we discover new issues and solutions. Feel free to join the IOMETE Community Discord Server for support and discussions.

  1. Missing Service Linked Role

Please check Karpenter troubleshooting guide if you don't find the solution her

Missing Service Linked Role

Unless your AWS account has already onboarded to EC2 Spot, you will need to create the service linked role to avoid ServiceLinkedRoleCreationNotPermitted.

Karpenter error message looks like this:

controller.provisioning	launching node, creating cloud provider instance, with fleet error(s), AuthFailure.ServiceLinkedRoleCreationNotPermitted: The provided credentials do not have permission to create the service-linked role for EC2 Spot Instances

This can be resolved by creating the Service Linked Role.

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name